In order to ensure that your information is correct and to provide you with better services and experience. You are required to update your personal information before proceeding with this business, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
You will leave Bank SinoPac Mobile Banking APP to the Bank SinoPac Basic Personal Information Update website.
Precautions: 1.Please complete the basic information update and return to Bank Sinopac Mobile Banking APP to continue to complete the application service. 2.For corporate clients, the responsible person is required to bring the following documents and personally visit any branch of Bank SinoPac to update the basic information. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. (1) General companies: "Company registration documents," "Articles of incorporation," and "Responsible person's national identification card." (2) Sole proprietorships or partnerships: "Business registration documents" and "Responsible person's national identification card."